Potassium Permanganate Density g ml

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Potassium permanganate is a dark purple, odorless solid with a blue metallic sheen. It is soluble in water, decomposes on heating and is a powerful oxidizing material. It can cause burns if it comes into contact with skin, and will stain cloth or tissue-use gloves when handling this compound. It is incompatible with reducing agents, strong acids, organic material and combustible materials. Its vapors are toxic and can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. It is highly corrosive and should be handled in a well-ventilated area.

It reacts with reducing agents such as hydrochloric acid, sodium bisulfite (hydrogen sulfite) and 2-chlorotoluene. It is a strong oxidizer and may cause dermatitis if it comes into contact with the skin. It is also corrosive to metals such as copper and iron, and it will stain fabrics that are not made of nylon or wool. It reacts quickly with glycerol and simple alcohols, producing flame and smoke. It is a very strong oxidizer and should be stored away from flammable substances.

It oxidizes the proteins in bacteria and other organic matter, killing them. It is used in water treatment plants to kill contaminants and reduce foul odors. It can also be used as an antidote in barbiturates, chloral hydrate and alkaloidal poisoning. A solution of 0.1% potassium permanganate can be used to wash the stomach after administration of drugs or poisons, allowing the drug or poison to be excreted without absorption. It is also a good alternative to chlorine bleach in swimming pools, because it can be used in the presence of bromine.