Cadmium Bromide

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Cadmium bromide is the inorganic compound with the formula CdBr2. It is a white hygroscopic solid that can also be obtained as the mono- and tetrahydrate. It belongs to the class of inorganic compounds called transition metal bromides, which have a layered structure and contain a large halogen atom and a transition metal. It is used in photography, engraving and lithography, and in the manufacture of certain types of glass.

Cadmium bromide is toxic primarily by ingestion and inhalation. Exposure can cause irritation to the eyes and skin, headache, emphysema, bronchitis, and kidney damage. The chemical is a carcinogen.

Safety precautions include protective clothing, gloves and eyewear. Avoid exposure in high concentrations for extended periods of time. Work areas should be well ventilated, especially when handling finely divided cadmium. Inhalation can cause coughing, sneezing symptoms and lung damage. Skin contact can cause a severe burn. Long term exposure can lead to kidney and liver damage and an increased risk of cancer.

Chemically, cadmium bromide has weak oxidizing and reducing powers. It reacts very slowly with acids, bases and metals such as zinc, silver nitrate and aluminum. It is moderately soluble in water. It presents a slight fire hazard in the form of dust when exposed to heat, flame or ignition sources. For small fires involving cadmium bromide, extinguish with dry chemicals, CO2, Halon, or water spray. For large fires, use water spray, fog, or standard foam.

Storage of this product should be in a cool, dry area, out of direct sunlight and away from other fire hazards. For disposal, collect contaminated material for latter disposal in containers and place into an excavated pit or other holding area. Surface runoff can be drained into bodies of water, but the solution should first be neutralized with agricultural lime, crushed limestone or sodium bicarbonate.