Study on Semiconductor Material Bismuth Telluride

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What property does Bismuth Telluride have?

Bismuth-telluride, a powdery gray substance with the formula Bi2Te3, is a material that contains the molecular formula Bi2Te3. Bismuth telluride, a semiconductor, has a good electrical conductivity but mediocre thermal conductivity. It is not fatal to consume large amounts of bismuth, but it is dangerous if you do. The material is able to allow electrons on its surface to move at room temperatures without using energy, which can lead to a significant increase in the speed of chip operation.

What is the preparation method of Bismuth Teluride?

Bismuth Telluride Powder Materials can be made into many commonly used devices. There are several common preparation methods: plasma activated sintering, hot pressing, Bridgman and zone melting.

1. It is used to grow single crystalline crystals through melting and crystallization polycrystalline ingots. The rod-shaped ingot of polycrystalline material is melted only in a small area. The rest is kept solid.

2. Bridgman method is a method of crystal growth that is commonly used. It’s also known as crucible descending. This method involves putting the crystal-growing material in a cylindrical pot and passing it slowly through a high frequency furnace or resistance oven with a gradient of temperature. The temperature of a furnace should be slightly greater than the melting points of crystal materials. The melting of crystal material occurs when the crucible drops into the furnace’s heating center. If the crucible falls slowly after the heating center, it is the temperature in the bottom that begins to decrease. This method works best with common ionic compound, like halides of metals such as alkali and earth metals.

3. Czochralski technique: Chukraski, in 1917, invented this method to produce high-quality single crystalline from melt. This method involves placing crystal material in a crucible. Use the pull rod after the crystal melts and heats the crucible.

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